About Tamil Nadu History Congress (TNHC)


The need for having a separate history association for Tamil Nadu, for mutual exchange of views on History and interaction with like minded associations in the other parts of India such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab etc. was keenly felt by scholars and teachers of history for quite a long time. But no one came forward to start such an organisation. In 1990 an attempt was made in that direction at Rajapalayam but in vain. In 1993, at Coimbatore, Government Arts College the Venue of the 13th South Indian Congress about sixty professors and lovers of history who assembled under the chairmanship of Prof. K.R. Hanumanthan on 10th January 1993 resolved to start an association by name Tamil Nadu History Congress . It was at Govt. Arts College, Coimbatore an endowment was created for Rs. 25,000/- in favour of the T.N.H.C. by Dr. K. L. Karuppasamy of Govt. Arts College, Coimbatore. The interest from which is to be utilized for inviting an eminent scholar to deliver the T.N.H.C Endowment Lecture.


After its inception on 10th January 1993 at Coimbatore, the association went on growing in numbers due to the untiring efforts of the successive General secretaries. In order to provide a a legal status to the organization, organizers convened a special general meeting of the congress on 15.06.1993. The meeting unanimously decided to register the society and carry on its administration according to the constitution and bye-laws.

As authorized by the members of the above meeting Prof. K.R. Hanumanthan registered the society on 25.08.1993.

As decided by the Executive Committee the subscription fee was raised from Rs. 20 to Rs. 30 for annual membership; Rs.200 to 300 for life membership, Rs. 500 to 750 for institutional membership and Rs. 1000 and more for Donors. In the Executive Committee meeting held on 24.11.1993 it was also decided to have the inauguration of the Congress during December 1993. Accordingly the congress was grandly inaugurated on 14th Dec. 1993 by Mr. R. Venkataraman, former President of India who also kindly agreed to be the patron of the congress. Dr.Navalar Nedunchezhian, Hon'ble Minister for Finance presided and delivered the Presi-dential Address, while Dr. Muthukumaran, the Vice Chancellor of Bharathidasan University felicitated. Dr.S.V. Chittibabu, General President welcomed the gathering and Dr.K.R. Hanumanthan, the Secretary proposed the vote of thanks.

At the 3rd Executive Committee meeting held on 23.02.1994, it was decided to have the annual session on 10th and 11th September as proposed by Dr. P. Jagadeesan who came forward to be the Local Secretary and conduct the session on behalf of the History Department of the University of Madras. Dr. K. Rajayyan, Dr. C. E. Ramachandran and Dr. K. V. Raman were selected as Section Presidents of Political and Administrative History, II. Social and Economic History and III. Art and Cultural History sections. Since then by 2018, twenty five annual sessions were held at different parts of Tamil Nadu. Dr. K. R. Hanumanthan [late](1993-1997), Dr. P. Jagadeesan (1997-2006), Dr. G. Venkataraman (2006-2007), Dr. N. Rajendran (2007-2017), Dr. S. S. Sundaram from 2017 were the General Secretaries of the Tamil Nadu History Congress since its inception.

 Circulars and Notifications
 31st Annual Session - First Circular