
Research papers are invited from the members of the Tamil Nadu History Congress. They should be based on original research providing new data and interpretation on any aspect of the History of Tamil Nadu. The papers may be presented either in English or Tamil. The research papers not exceeding 8 pages should be neatly typed in double space in A4 size paper on one side with End Notes [footnotes at the end of the article].

Research Papers - Categories

  • Political and Administrative History
  • Social and Economic History
  • Art and Cultural History
  • Historiography
Annual Proceedings Volume

The research papers presented in the T.N.H.C. will be considered for publication in the Annual Proceedings Volume of the Congress. All the Life Members, Patrons and Annual Members (of the respective sessions) are eligible to receive a copy of the volume free of cost.

 Circulars and Notifications
 31st Annual Session - First Circular